Sunday, November 14, 2004

The art of Kissing


What does "love" mean to you?

The first thing that comes to my mind is "passion". And why not?

But then on contemplation, love is something much more than passion. It can manifest itself in many ways... You love your parents, your brothers, sisters and your family and yes your friends too. At a higher level, you love your country and (increasing) humanity in general(global citizens).

Kissing is considered an very intimate in India. You can't just kiss a friend for being happy, and no, you cannot kiss in public. Even if both of you are married. And how many of you last kissed your mother or father?

Calcutta(now Kolkota) is a strange city. I have never visited the city, and whatever that I have heard about it, the pollution, the traffic, the people, all created a very ugly picture of the city.
But it also surprises me that many movements and bright people come from the same city. I remembered a newflash few years ago, and google came to my rescue.

Apparently the Bengali's held a kiss and hug protest in the city, with over 100 people coming together and kissing in front of the mayor's office, under the organization of Lover's Organization of Voluntary Exhibition; aptly acronym-ed LOVE.

You can visit their website :
and the news item here :

I think a kiss club would be famous, if someone started one.......


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