OK, so am messing around in the server room... But hey, this maybe the last time I may be able to mess around with servers.
Existing Redhat server got the jinx and a new HP machine is in its place. It was going to be Rh 9.0 as usual, but the installation kept on messing up, maining due to corrupt cd's I guess.
So, got the Deb Netinstall cd, burned a copy of it. Did initial stuff, partitioning etc. Setup network parameters, selected Desktop Environment, File servers and some other options, next next next, and done.
The installation was surprisingly smooth. It did not have a fancy GUI, but things were pretty self explanatory.
Setup of NFS is done. Now have to setup NIS and reconfigure the clients. Am trying to setup a local Debian repository, maybe can change the entire lab from RH 9 to deb.